Hearst Transforms Cloud Security Across Hundreds of Its Companies With Wiz

Hear how Hearst, along with Wiz and AWS, are transforming cloud security practices across Hearst's vast portfolio of companies.






Cloud Platforms

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Learn the challenges Hearst faced in managing diverse cloud environments and how they used real-time visibility from Wiz to increase cloud operating efficiency and empower internal teams to address risk themselves. This transformation resulted in a reduction in overall attack surface and prioritized security efforts across the business.

Watch the video and learn how Wiz helps Hearst and other AWS customers secure their cloud.

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“La migliore esperienza utente che abbia mai visto offre piena visibilità ai carichi di lavoro cloud.”
David EstlickCISO (CISO)
“Wiz fornisce un unico pannello di controllo per vedere cosa sta succedendo nei nostri ambienti cloud.”
Adam FletcherResponsabile della sicurezza
“Sappiamo che se Wiz identifica qualcosa come critico, in realtà lo è.”
Greg PoniatowskiResponsabile della gestione delle minacce e delle vulnerabilità