Contextual CSPM Across Clouds

Continuously detect and remediate misconfigurations from build time to runtime across your hybrid clouds – AWS, GCP, Azure, OCI, Alibaba Cloud, and VMware vSphere

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Take Control of Your Cloud Misconfigurations

Wiz connects to your cloud environment and gives you complete visibility and actionable context on your most critical misconfigurations, so your teams can proactively and continuously improve your cloud security posture.

Comprehensive CSPM  icon

Comprehensive CSPM

Over 1,400 cloud misconfiguration rules, continuous CIS and compliance monitoring over 100 frameworks, IaC scanning, real-time detections, data specific CSPM rules, custom OPA-based rules, and auto-remediations.

Reduce Alert Fatigue Using Context  icon

Reduce Alert Fatigue Using Context

Contextualize your misconfigurations using the Wiz Security Graph, which surfaces only the misconfigurations that truly matter.

One Policy Across Cloud and Code icon

One Policy Across Cloud and Code

Enforce built-in Wiz policies and compliance frameworks across your cloud environments and IaC code, and build your own custom policies and frameworks.

Go Beyond CSPM

Wiz gives you more than your standard CSPM platform. Along with continuous misconfiguration identification and remediation, Wiz gives you the data that surrounds each issue, so you understand their full risk profile.

Effective Network & Identity Exposure icon

Effective Network & Identity Exposure

Prioritize network and identity misconfigurations by focusing first on resources Wiz has verified to be exposed using the graph-based network and identity engine.

Attack Path Analysis icon

Attack Path Analysis

Your teams can easily discover which misconfigurations can lead to lateral movement paths that compromise high-value assets such as admin identities or crown jewel data stores.

Prioritize Misconfigurations using Context icon

Prioritize Misconfigurations using Context

Using the Wiz Security Graph, you can prioritize misconfigurations using operational, business, cloud and data context. For example, you can choose to ignore empty VPCs, or resources that are managed by a cloud service.

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Misconfiguration ≠ Risks

While Other Cloud Posture Management solutions present long lists of misconfigurations, Wiz gives you the context you need to know which misconfiguration present an actual risk.

Automatic Posture Management and Remediation

Address Compliance Requirements with Confidence

Wiz for CSPM Demo

See Wiz for CSPM in action with a 2-minute demo video

Caso di studio

Blackstone tackles advanced cloud-native security with Wiz

As Blackstone’s Security team explored cloud security solutions, they realized that to achieve the level of risk-centric security they wanted, they needed to find a tool with a deep understanding of cloud that would help them focus on key areas, not isolated issues. And then they found Wiz.

Leggi la storia completaBlackstone
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Pronti a vedere Wiz in azione?

“La migliore esperienza utente che abbia mai visto offre piena visibilità ai carichi di lavoro cloud.”
David EstlickCISO (CISO)
“Wiz fornisce un unico pannello di controllo per vedere cosa sta succedendo nei nostri ambienti cloud.”
Adam FletcherResponsabile della sicurezza
“Sappiamo che se Wiz identifica qualcosa come critico, in realtà lo è.”
Greg PoniatowskiResponsabile della gestione delle minacce e delle vulnerabilità