Financial Services

Comprehensive Cloud Security Solution for Financial Services

Wiz’s industry leading platform provides a unified approach to minimizing risk across your cloud environment. Wiz's deep risk assessment makes it easy for financial institutions to stay secure in the cloud, helping protect sensitive data and meet PCI compliance at scale.

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Wiz is trusted by these financial services companies

Morgan Stanley
Bridgewater Associates

Protect your Customers' Data with Best-of-Class Security

Gain 100% Visibility icon

Gain 100% Visibility

Gain full-stack visibility into every technology running in your environment across virtual machines, containers, and serverless, all without agents. Connect your entire environment to Wiz in minutes.

Remove Critical Risks Using Context icon

Remove Critical Risks Using Context

Automatically correlate risks across vulnerabilities, identities, network exposures, misconfigurations, data, secrets, and malware on the Wiz Security Graph. Wiz prioritizes and surfaces attack paths in your environment so you can proactively remove them.

Protect PCI data icon

Protect PCI data

Identify where your PCI data is with Wiz's DSPM capabilities and eliminate attack paths to discovered data. Continuously assess your environment against Wiz's built-in compliance frameworks, including PCI DSS, and generate compliance reports at the click of a button for your auditors.

Deliver Secure Financial Services with Wiz

Address Compliance Requirements with Confidence

Attack Path Analysis

The Wiz Security Graph immediately uncovers the toxic combinations that create attack paths in your cloud and eliminates the need for manual work of sifting through and analyzing siloed alerts. Identify attack path to sensitive data or high privileges, focus on resources with effective network or identity exposure, and detect lateral movement paths.

Caso di studio

Bridgewater Associates unifies its hybrid and multi-cloud security posture with the Wiz Security Graph

Premier asset management firm Bridgewater Associates uses Wiz to power its mission-critical security program and gain visibility and context into its multi-cloud global architecture.

Leggi la storia completaBridgewater Associates
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Pronti a vedere Wiz in azione?

“La migliore esperienza utente che abbia mai visto offre piena visibilità ai carichi di lavoro cloud.”
David EstlickCISO (CISO)
“Wiz fornisce un unico pannello di controllo per vedere cosa sta succedendo nei nostri ambienti cloud.”
Adam FletcherResponsabile della sicurezza
“Sappiamo che se Wiz identifica qualcosa come critico, in realtà lo è.”
Greg PoniatowskiResponsabile della gestione delle minacce e delle vulnerabilità