CloudSec Academy

Willkommen bei der CloudSec Academy, Ihrem Leitfaden zum Navigieren in der Buchstabensuppe der Cloud-Sicherheitsakronyme und des Branchenjargons. Heben Sie sich von der Masse ab mit klaren, prägnanten und fachmännisch gestalteten Inhalten, die von den Grundlagen bis hin zu Best Practices reichen.

Azure Security Risks & Mitigation Steps

Wiz Expertenteam

This article offers an extensive examination of Azure environments’ most pressing security risks along with suggested approaches for effectively mitigating these challenges.

AKS Security Best Practices

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) delivers Kubernetes as a managed service in Azure and is popular among organizations looking for a hassle-free Kubernetes solution in the cloud.

Container Platforms

Wiz Expertenteam

A container platform is a comprehensive solution that allows organizations to efficiently create, deploy, and manage containers.

Azure Security vs. AWS Security: A Comparative Analysis

Wiz Expertenteam

To help you make an informed decision, we've crafted a comprehensive comparison of AWS and Azure security, empowering you to select the cloud provider that seamlessly integrates with your unique needs.

Essential Azure Security Best Practices

Wiz Expertenteam

Between its reliability and its robust scalability, Azure has become an integral part of many organizations' cloud architecture. Learn how to secure your Azure deployment with these 5 essential best practices.

The top 11 open-source Kubernetes security tools

It’s a good idea to consider a range of Kubernetes security tools. Open source solutions can greatly improve the security of your Kubernetes clusters, so this section explores the top 11 open-source Kubernetes security tools that can help to safeguard your Kubernetes environment.

AWS Security Best Practices

Wiz Expertenteam

10 essential AWS security best practices every organization should start with

Top Native AWS Security Tools

Wiz Expertenteam

11 native tools for IAM, data protection, network and application protection, compliance management, and threat detection