Swaroop Sham

Swaroop Sham is a Product Marketer at Wiz. His current focus areas include CNAPP, Secure Cloud Development / Shift-left, Container and Kubernetes Security, and more. In previous roles, Swaroop has dabbled in Authentication, Threat Detection, Email security, and Software Development. Swaroop has a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science and has previously been cited in blogs, podcasts and magazines of repute.

Swaroop Sham artículos

Seguridad SBOM

Una lista de materiales de software (SBOM) es un inventario completo que detalla todos los componentes de software que componen una aplicación.

Secure SDLC

Secure SDLC (SSDLC) is a framework for enhancing software security by integrating security designs, tools, and processes across the entire development lifecycle.

Seguridad del código (Code Security)

La seguridad del código, también conocida como codificación segura, se refiere a las prácticas, metodologías y herramientas diseñadas para garantizar que el código escrito para aplicaciones y sistemas esté a salvo de vulnerabilidades y amenazas.

AWS S3 Security Best Practices

This article will refresh your knowledge of AWS and S3 security basics and then move into the best practices you need to get started with S3 security.

DevSecOps in Practice: Top Challenges and Techniques

DevSecOps, which stands for Development, Security, and Operations, is a software development practice that emphasizes integrating security considerations throughout the entire development lifecycle, from initial design to deployment and ongoing maintenance.

Swaroop Sham Mensajes