Crying Out Cloud: a magical podcast for cloud security enthusiasts

Join us for game-changing news, unique Wiz insights, and battle-tested advice from industry experts. Stay ahead of the cloud curve with our latest episodes and navigate the complex world of cloud security.

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We probably don't have to tell you how fast the cybersecurity industry is evolving. The key is to focus on the innovations (or breaches) that make a difference.  

That's why our Threat Research team started "Crying Out Cloud", a podcast designed to empower cloud security pros like you. Whether you're a CISO, Cloud Security Architect, Cloud Security Engineer, DevOps, or good ol' developer.  

Every month, we'll feature interviews with cloud security leaders and stories about the latest cloud security news, all based on practical knowledge and research insights.  

Why tune in? 

Here are three reasons:  

  1. Game-changing news: We bring you a curated roundup of the latest cloud security vulnerabilities that are shaking up the industry and need your attention. Keep up with emerging threats, current trends, and cutting-edge technologies (well, besides Wiz 😉). 

  2. Unique Wiz insights: An inside look at our research data, based on statistics from real attack paths we detected in live cloud environments. This unique perspective allows you to better understand potential risks and incorporate effective countermeasures into your cloud infrastructure.  

  3. Battle-tested advice: Tips from our Threat Research team on preventing security incidents and data breaches in your company and improving your overall cloud security strategy.

How about an example?  

Our podcast hosts, Amitai Cohen and Eden Naftali, leave no cloud unturned. So far, they have covered some groundbreaking industry news. We're going to namedrop some; see if you've heard of them: the BingBang vulnerability, the 3CX Supply Chain Attack, and the CircleCI breach.  

If you haven't, there's no need to worry; this podcast is perfect for you. If you have, you'll love this podcast anyway! Tune in for exclusive advice on what you can do to proactively protect the data in your cloud.  

What's the goal? 

The takeaways from our podcast apply to all businesses and cover a wide range of cloud security topics. It doesn't matter if a discovery has been made by Wiz research or unveiled by other experts in the security industry - our goal is to shine a light on pitfalls and pinpoint the core issues behind them for the benefit of all cloud builders and defenders.  

Next step? 

Listen to our latest episode and navigate the complex world of cloud security with us. Oh, and share it with your teammates so you can stay ahead of the cloud curve, together!  

Check out our new awesome website: 

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