Transformation du nuage

Transformez votre nuage, en toute sécurité

Remplissez votre approche de la sécurité dans le nuage pour réduire efficacement les risques et libérer l'innovation

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Success criteria

Modernize Your Approach to Cloud Security

Transforming your cloud requires collaboration and coordination across teams and complex environments. Wiz enables you to unify and centralize your cloud security management, while rapidly removing critical risks across your cloud environments.

Understand Your Cloud

Build a comprehensive, shared understanding of your cloud environment. Reduce the risk of security breaches with a full view of your cloud technology footprint across your business.

Centralize Security Policies and Tooling

Consolidate your security tooling and improve your security stance, while implementing a unified approach to security policies that reduces security gaps across business units, environments and apps to drive operational efficiency.

Reduce Risk and Ensure Compliance

Accurately identify and remediate toxic combinations of your most critical risks across your business, including attack paths that lead to your crown jewel resources. Understand your compliance posture automatically organization wide or by segment of your business and focus your teams on what matters.

Democratize Security

Empower cross-functional teams with automated workflows and self-service access to remediation guidance to improve collaboration, drive developer efficiency, and eliminate cloud debt. Shift security left by preventing issues from reaching production.

Ensure Readiness

Continuously monitor for, identify and prioritize the next Log4Shell threat to reduce mean time to resolution. 

Frictionless, Full Stack Visibility

Scan your entire cloud environment without agents with unified coverage across clouds and compute architectures with a one-time deployment that eliminates manual overhead. Visualize your environment with high-fidelity, actionable context to easily analyze evidence, understand risk and view cloud architecture, all without specialized training.

Enhance Security Through Effective Risk Reduction

Continuously correlate risk factors across multiple workload layers like vulnerabilities, exposed secrets, and malware with other risk factors like misconfigurations and network exposure to surface the toxic combinations that represent the most serious risks. Immediately identify workload exposure to the latest vulnerabilities sourced from Wiz Research along with numerous third-party threat intelligence feeds. Take remediation action with a single click or via automation rules.

Empower Your Cloud Teams to Move Faster

Build partnerships with your engineering team to remediate and prevent security issues from reaching production. Segment Wiz so developers can self-service access just the parts of the infrastructure that they own with customizable workflows, a fully exposed API, and CI/CD tools to shift security left into the pipeline.

Automate Compliance

Use Wiz to maintain compliance with all major compliance frameworks and benchmarks. Get comprehensive assessments, posture scores, and a compliance heatmap. Quickly assess your compliance with high-level and granular detail, report it to your leadership with confidence, and focus your teams on what matters most.

Étude de cas

Blackstone s’attaque à la sécurité cloud native avancée avec Wiz

Alors que l’équipe de sécurité de Blackstone explorait les solutions de sécurité du cloud, elle s’est rendu compte que pour atteindre le niveau de sécurité centré sur les risques qu’elle souhaitait, elle devait trouver un outil doté d'une compréhension approfondie du cloud, qui l’aiderait à se concentrer sur les domaines clés et non sur les problèmes isolés. C'est là qu'elle a découvert Wiz.

Lire le témoignage completBlackstone

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“La meilleure expérience utilisateur que j’ai jamais vue, offre une visibilité totale sur les workloads cloud.”
David EstlickRSSI
“Wiz fournit une interface unique pour voir ce qui se passe dans nos environnements cloud.”
Adam FletcherChef du service de sécurité
“Nous savons que si Wiz identifie quelque chose comme critique, c’est qu’il l’est réellement.”
Greg PoniatowskiResponsable de la gestion des menaces et des vulnérabilités