Last Week in AWS đź©· Wiz
Free Cloud Security Scan
Connect with a Wiz cloud security expert to assess the critical risks in each layer of your environment.
4.7 (660 Reviews)
Trusted by the most innovative companies in the world
How It Works
What to expect during your cloud assessment
You're just a few steps away from complete cloud visibility and an improved security posture.
Meet with a Wiz expert
Submit your request and one of our experts will reach out within 24 hours to set up time to discuss your environment.
Connect Wiz via API
Wiz connects to your cloud environment using your CSP's APIs and scans your entire technology stack agentlessly.
Scan your environment
Wiz scans your entire environment without agents to identify risks and visualize your cloud stack with the Wiz Security Graph.
Prioritize critical risks
Your expert will walk you through the critical severity issues that were uncovered by the cloud assessment.
Download Report
Cloud Security Workflow Handbook
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Wiz is a leader
660 Reviews
Last Week in AWS Podcast listeners, are you ready for your free assessment?
Elevate your cloud infrastructure: take the first step towards total visibility and ironclad security.